Uyarılar, Römyra


27/5 ÖÖ 11:00 11:00 – 27/5 ÖS 7:00 19:00

Showers that can bring up to 40 mm of rain in a short time, which can cause flooding.; What happens: Warm and unstable air moves in over the country, which can give rise to heavy rain or thundershowers. These can locally provide up to 40 mm in a short time. In connection with the heavy showers also gusty wind.; What to expect: Traffic can be slower due to flooded roads. Risk of, for example, basements, stormwater systems, roads and viaducts being flooded.; Where: Parts of northern Götaland and southwestern Svealand; Comments: There will be large local variations and it is uncertain where the largest amounts of rain will end up.


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Şurası için hava durumu Västmanland County