Uyarılar, Île du Sapin Blanc


15/6 ÖS 8:13 20:13 – 16/6 ÖS 0:13 12:13

special weather statement in effect Heat wave next week A warm air mass will affect the province of Quebec beginning on Tuesday. Maximum temperatures between 30 and 36 C are expected, followed by overnight lows above 20 C, and humidex values could reach 40 in the afternoon. These conditions will persist until Thursday evening or Friday morning. Watch out for heat-related impacts, such as heat exhaustion and/or heat stroke. Remember to drink plenty of water. ### Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to [email protected] or tweet reports using #QCStorm.

Environment Canada

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Şurası için hava durumu Québec